And So The Planning For The World’s Greatest Weddingfest Begins…
It’s Murphy’s Law, but the day after we’d emailed the first batch of invites we discovered that the venue we planned to use had been sold…typical. But have no fear, we’ve got an epic venue in mind that has a certain kind of magic befitting of the occasion
Let me take this opportunity to explain a little bit more about our lovefest - the idea is for you all to arrive at the venue during the day on Friday, pitch your tents (or check in to your B&B of choice), shoot the breeze with long-lost mates from far and wide, and settle in for the weekend.
Warm Up Friday
Obviously some of you will not be able to make it on the Friday, and that’s fine.
For those who can, we’ll kick off with a bring ‘n braai, true SA style. Bring your meat, your salads and your dops. The plan is, of course, to have a chilled Friday night what with the big shindig on Saturday.
Big Bash Saturday
Saturday morning we’ll all get to work to set up the jol. There’ll be decorating to be done, bonfires to be built, food to be prepared, and of course a bride to be made pretty! The tentative plan for Saturday night’s food is two big potjies (one meat, one veg) that can simmer away on the fire whilst we get on with the marrying. We plan for a simple sunset ceremony, after which we’ll dig into the grub and then dance the night away to the epic tunes provided by our collection of kickass DJ’s.
Simmer Down Sunday
Sunday will no doubt be fairly low key, with a lot of lazing going on. My vision with the whole deal is that it will obviously be about us, but that it’s also about all of you being able to spend time catching up with old mates, and making new mates.
This Is How It’s Gonna Pan Out -
Right – let me take this moment to explain how the wedding is going to work.
We’ve decided to make this a participation-based event, with all of you to contributing something to make the jol happen. That will be your gift to us.
I know some of you think that there’s nothing you can do, but believe me you are all talented in ways you don’t even realise. We’re going to sit down and think about what we’d like you to do, which we’ll suggest to you. If there’s something you’d particularly like to do, mail me at abicase@gmail.com
The only thing we’re dictating is what DJ’s we want to play. If we let all of you play, it would be a week-long carnival!
So start thinking about what it is you would like to contribute, and let me know if you have any ideas. And if you’re really strapped for ideas, there’s always liquor and food, eh?
OK – that’s it for now. Go forth and think up wondrous wedding ideas!